During the month of December, the company organised a road awareness campaign to promote safe and efficient travel for employees inside and outside the company. The aim of the campaign is to train and raise awareness of traffic rules, as well as the dangers of distracted driving, speeding and the consumption of alcohol and drugs.
Promoted by the Human Resources Department and the Occupational Risk Prevention Department, the “Move responsibly” campaign has served to inform and raise awareness among all Grup Boix staff of the importance of understanding and respecting road safety rules inside and outside the company. The campaign also served to train staff who use company vehicles and to improve road safety awareness in real situations on the road. Marçal Camps, Grup Boix’s PRL technician, assures that training and awareness of safety regulations is a basic task to help prevent possible risks inside and outside the company.

To carry out the campaign, road safety infographics, road safety information posters and audiovisual resources to raise awareness of the dangers of distracted driving were published on a weekly basis via the digital application and the information boards in the different areas of the company. At the same time, a simulator was used to recreate conventional situations that can be encountered on the road in order to train company vehicle service personnel. “We want to prevent risks and raise awareness among employees of the danger that exists if traffic regulations are not followed”, says Mar Jiménez, head of Human Resources at Grup Boix.